What is Pearl Laser Resurfacing?

The Pearl is a wonderful, new-generation skin resurfacing laser that is used to reduce age spots and brown spots and renew the skin’s surface with beautiful results. The top layer of the skin is treated with small pulses of light. The Pearl treatment simultaneously sends heat into the deeper layers of the skin resulting in the stimulation and production of new collagen.

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A Personal Story

I am the clinic manager for Dermacare Laser and Skin Care Clinic and I wanted to see first-hand what this laser could do before we purchased it. I was very pleased with my results! The downtime was minimal. My skin was red for a few days, maybe three or four, and then the redness turned to brown. Within a few days, the top layers of my skin peeled revealing fresh, baby-soft skin beneath. My skin had a pearly glow…thus the name, The Pearl! The added bonus to this treatment is that collagen production continues for four to six weeks post-treatment to improve texture and decrease fine lines and wrinkles. Unlike multiple, costly fractional treatments, The Pearl treats the entire area, therefore requiring only one to two treatments with relatively little downtime or discomfort. I love the Pearl!

Could you benefit from a Pearl?

Indications would be brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven texture. Call today to schedule your free consultation with Kiahla Stanley. 352-331-5355.


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